US101 South in Santa Clara County

These are all from 11/8/2004 of US101 South from Capitol Expressway to near Bernal. There was no interchange with Yerba Buena before about 1991. This used to be a rural section. The neighborhood to the east of here got much better around 1997.

[US101 South in 2004]

This is by Hellyer Avenue. The old pavement is the left two concrete lanes going southbound. The freeway used to be four lanes wide total through here.

[US101 South]

These last two are taken near 85 and Bernal Road. This interchange was built in 1994. The carpool to carpool interchange was done about 2004. It was started around 2001. 85 is Exit 377B.

[US101 South in October 2004]

Trucks are not allowed on Highway 85.

[US101 South]

US101 South
85 North
Monterey Highway South
Monterey Highway North
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