Highway 85 North

These are from 10/15/2003. I have not taken a lot of highway photos at night. I did not put these up back then because I did not have the room for them. It got too dark pretty quickly to take photos. I was just learning my digital camera back then. This runs from Great Oaks to just north of Cottle. This was a dramatic sunset. I should have put these up once I had the room for them!

[85 North in October 2003]

[85 North in October 2003]

[85 North in October 2003]

Since these photos were taken the entire neighborhood to the north or to the right in the photo has been replaced. New housing was built after high tech office space was removed.

[85 North in October 2003]

This interchange with Cottle Road has been reconfigured since the freeway opened in 1994.

[85 North in October 2003]

This is taken just north of Cottle Road. The freeway used to start here in 1991. The traffic on this highway has gotten worse over the years.

[85 North in October 2003]

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