US101 South in Santa Clara County

These are all from 2/27/2018 of US101 South in Santa Clara County.  My mom and I went to Livermore on a genealogical trip. There was snow in the mountains this day. It was a pretty day and it was cold. This runs from I680 to Cochrane Road. There was snow in the Santa Cruz mountains but it was hard to see it at all. This is by Capitol Expressway and Yerba Buena.
Capitol Expressway West
Capitol Expressway East

[US101 North]

This is by Blossom Hill Road and Monterey Road.

[US101 North]

[US101 North]

[US101 North]

This is by Bernal Road and 85.

[US101 North]

[US101 North]

US101 South in February 2018
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