G19 and G14 in Monterey County

G19 is Nacimiento Road and it and G18 (Jolon Road) meet US101 near Bradley. G14 runs from the San Antonio Reservoir area to King City. Through this area, it is called Interlake Road.

This set is from March 1996 during an El Niño year. Thus the lush green hills. Southern Monterey County can get quite hot, so in a drought year, the hills aren't very green for very long at all.
In a rainy year, they can pass for a landscape out of Ireland. I used to see this area on a map and wondered what on earth it looked like. I had no idea how many hills and mountains were between US101 and 1 in southern Monterey County. Though not in this set, Jolon has a dramatic view of the mountains and hills to the west. It looks almost like a town in Wyoming.

The foothills west of US101 with the mountains in the Los Padres National Forest behind them. North of here, there is one BLM tract of land called William's Hill.

[G19 in Monterey County]

[G19 West in Monterey County]

This is the face of the dam. This is the intersection of Nacimiento Lake Dr (G19) and Vista Rd.

[G19 West in Monterey County]

Headed west, looking towards the National Forest. Beyond these mountains is Highway 1.
G14 is a very steep road around the lake.
Note the wild mustard, which is ubiquitous in Central California during February and March during and El Niño year.

[G14 West]

G19 and G14 near Lake San Antonio  
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