Coyote Creek off US101

This is from April 14, 2012. This is just off US101. The hills out here aren't very green for very long in years when it does not rain much. It was a big surprise they looked this good in 2012. This is not an original exit off US101. It was added in 1987 as Scheller Ave. It was renamed Coyote Creek around 1999. There are zero services here as of 2012. The Coyote Creek golf course is to the west of the freeway. To the east you see garbage trucks. In a lot of ways this area looks like Nevada right by US101. The exit does not connect to Monterey Highway nor Hale Ave. It has not outlet.
This is just west of US101.

[The Coyote Creek exit off US101]

This is west of US101.

[The Coyote Creek exit off US101]

This is looking to the south.

[The Coyote Creek exit off US101]

This is looking to the west and looking down an access road to the golf course.

[The Coyote Creek exit off US101]

This is looking to the north west.

[The Coyote Creek exit off US101]

This is looking towards the north.

[The Coyote Creek exit off US101]

Coyote Creek Exit photos
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