Old Highway 152 in Casa de Fruta

These are from 3/12/1994. I have had demand to see older photos of 152. These aren't really old, but the highway has changed a lot through this area since this was taken. I have been meaning to get these online for ages. This section was opened around 1991. In December 1990 152 ran down this street. It was a beautiful spring day when I came out here to take photos. I am leaving these online permanently.

[Old Highway 152 in Casa de Fruta]

This is looking at the new expressway section.  This section was plywood and rebar back in late 1990.

[Old Highway 152]

The old highway is right in front of where I was standing and the new expressway is off in the distance.

[Old Highway 152]

The mountain shown here is called Elephant Head. This is looking to the east. Also this area is more built up today than it was in 1994.

[Old Highway 152]

152 West (Older photos)
152 Index Page

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