152 East in Santa Clara County, California

152 is eleven miles past US101 here. 156 meets 152 here, and the interchange is new. There used to be a stop sign here, to turn from 152 West to 156 West, and this is approaching where the 1990 vintage widening projected ended.
I learned from Jon Ayala that there used to be by the intersection an Almaden Wine Tasting Room along with Don Fernando's Restaurant and Bar. I posted some of the "old" photos of this area recently as well (from 2005) due to interest in them.

[152 East]

This is the bridge over 156, and the speed limit was 45 here when I took this photo.

[152 East]

This is eleven miles past US101 and 156 ends here. 152 past here was widened in Santa Clara County from 1990 - 1991.

[152 East]

This is just past 156 West on 3/21/2007. The interchange with 156 was badly needed and opened on 8/28/2008.

[152 East]

 152 East
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