Interstate 70 West

This is from Kevin Weed in August 2018 of a trip from Ohio to Colorado on I70. I have been on this freeway from Dayton, Ohio to Denver so I can comment on it. I have been on US50 in Nevada so I have been on what could have been I70.

Entering Illinois. 70 doesn't run through any towns of size in the land of

[I70 West]

Mile 147

[I70 West]

Mile 25 (I was driving, hence the big jump)

[I70 West]

Mile 18

[I70 West]

Mile 12

[I70 West]

Mile 12
From Eric: this is almost in East St. Louis. Do not get off the freeway in this town unless you know what you are doing. It is in a very bad neighborhood.

[I70 West]

The Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge carries 70 over the Mississippi
River as it enters St. Louis Missouri.
From Eric: this neat bridge was built in recent years. I70 used to go over the I55 and I64 bridge to the south. This is not the Clark W. Griswold bridge from National Lampoon's vacation. That is the old Poplar street bridge to the south. I70 was rerouted to the north in recent years.

[I70 West]

I70 West in Missouri
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