Interstate 70 East in Colorado (Scenic Route)

This is from Kevin Weed in August 2018 of a trip from Colorado to Ohio on I70. I have been on this freeway from Denver to Dayton, Ohio so I can comment on it. I have been on US50 in Nevada so I have been on what could have been I70. This is 111 photos of I70 in Colorado. From Eric: I have not been on this part of I70 though I would love to do this ride myself. It is hard to get from where I live to this section of I70. I hope to do US6 across Nevada soon. Also this section up to Denver was not originally planned to be I70 at all.

[I70 East]

[I70 East]

This is one of I believe 4 tunnels along 70.

[I70 East]

[I70 East]

Mile 52

[I70 East]

I70 East in Colorado
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