Interstate 238 West in California

This is a controversial route for road geeks because there is no Interstate 38. I238 was widened a bit in 1994, when BART was extended along its center divider. Most of these are from 4/10/2004. As of September 26, 2006 this section is being widened to six lanes. 238 was never finished as a freeway south of this location. It would have ended at I680 in Fremont. 238 from 580 to 880 became an interstate in 1985.

This is from 9/29/2004 and this is just past I580. 185 is the next exit. Before the direct connection was made to I238 from I880 I was on a ride out here and I saw "Stacie is a snitch" spray painted on a truck on the side of 185.

[I238 West]

This is taken just past I580.

[Interstate 238 West]

This freeway is basically an off ramp linking two other freeways. It can be congested, even at off-peak hours.  BART runs down the center divide here.  

[I238 West]

Just past 185. This freeway has very few exits because it is so short. If the Southern Crossing bridge was built, this would lead to it.  

[Interstate 238 West]

I238 West
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