Interstate 15 North in San Diego County

The Highway 15 exit off I5 (circa 1989.)
This is right where I15 begins. Actually its California 15 at first, and it didn't used to be a freeway for one short section. The section from 91 to I10 was also incomplete for many years. I215 was formerly I15E, and parts of it south of 60 were not up to freeway standards until about 1993.

[I5 North]

The first mile of Highway 15 in San Diego looks like this.

[I5 North] 

State Highway 15 at 94, in July 1989. I believe this interchange has been redone.

[I15 North]

This was taken at Interstate 805.
The highways meet at a funny angle

[15 North]

I15 North
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