G3 / Oregon - Page Mill Expressway North

These are all from 3/27/2013. I had been trying to get photos out here for a while. I had barely ever done this ride before.
These photos are between I280 and US101. This ride goes by quickly.

This is by Middlefield Road and this is two miles past I280.
[Oregon - Page Mill Expressway South]

This is before Louis.

[Oregon - Page Mill North]

There is by Greer Road and this is about four miles past I280.

[Oregon - Page Mill North]

This is just before US101. This is four miles past US101.

[Oregon - Page Mill North]

This is just before US101. You can only get on to US101 from here.

[Oregon - Page Mill North]

US101 South
US101 North
Oregon - Page Mill Expressway Index

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