88 West in Amador County, California

This is 55 miles past US395, on 4/12/2008 and the elevation is 7000.'

[88 West]

This is 56 miles west of US395 on 4/12/2008. The elevation is still lower but it is still wintertime in April here.
The trees next to the road are taller than on most Sierra highways I have seen.

[88 West]

Right after this the elevation drops to 6000'. This is 58 miles past US395, on 4/12/2008, by Cat Creek.
There are passing lanes on the grades of 88.

[88 West]

Here we are 61 miles past US395, on 4/12/2008.

[88 West]

88 West in Amador County
88 Index Page

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