88 West in Amador County, California

These sets are from 4/29/2001, 12/25/2004, and 4/12/2008.
The snowiest trip I ever did on 88 was 4/12/2008.

This is 34 miles west of US395, on 4/12/2008.

[88 West]

This is 34 miles west of US395, on 4/12/2008.
This is the avalanche area on 88, and though there is usually snow at the side of the road in the winter season, I'd never seen so much here.

[88 West]

This is 35 miles west of US395, on 4/12/2008.

[88 West]

Here the snow pack has covered up part of the highway. This is Carson Spur, Elevation 7990', heading west, on 4/29/2004. (Thanks to Joel Windmiller for locating where this is taken.) You reach this summit and it is more of a curve than an obvious drop. The other pass on 88, closer to Nevada, is a similar experience.

[88 West in April 2001]

88 West in Amador County
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