I980 West and I880 South in California

17 was a four lane freeway from Santa Cruz Avenue to Interstate 80 by 1958. It has been four lanes divided to Santa Cruz since the 1950s, if not earlier. This first part of this set is from I980 to I238 and is from October 1991. The first photo is of I980 West between I580 and I880. This was the only way to I880 from I580 back then. I never did the Cypress section before it collapsed. However I did this exact ride right after this during the Oakland hills fire. I hardly ever did I880 between I80 and I238. I did it many times from I280 to I238.

[i980 West]

This is the 980/880 Interchange. This is from the days when I980 was a detour to start 880 South in Oakland.

[880 South]

This is near 10th Avenue.

[880 South]

This is near 23rd Avenue.

[880 South]

This is near High Street.

[880 South]

This is by the Oakland Coliseum. The carpool lanes on I880 were turned into express lanes.

[I880 South]

I880 South
I880 Index

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