580 East in California

This is about Mile 39. There are no exits right through here. This is near Howard's Pass, and the highway is heading upwards gently.

[580 East]

This section of I580 is noisy in a few lanes. This is about Mile 40. The Livermore area is starting to show and the freeway is heading downhill here. The sky is usually smoggy in the distance this time of year.

[580 East]

This is near Mile 41. Livermore is in the distance.

[580 East]

This is from 7/10/2008. There was a lot of wildfire smoke this day.

[I580 East]

This is just a little bit farther east. Here the freeway is entering an inhabited area again.

[580 East]

This is from 7/10/2008. This is dropping into Pleasanton. Bart was added out here around 1994.

[580 East]

Interstate 580 East
I580 Index

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